It was GORGEOUS outside today! So, we took the opportunity to pull the paints back out, go outside, and practice mixing colors: Red and Blue make Purple; Red and Yellow make Orange, etc. Then, we used some fun sponge shapes we had received in a goodie bag from one of the weekend parties to make some underwater scenes. Advertised as "clean" art tools for kids, the sponges seemed like a GREAT idea. It doesn't last long before they start using their fingers... then two fingers... then their whole palm... then, paint up to their elbows. Think blueish-greenish bath water after the "fun" was over.
Math: One Greater and One Less. This activity was actually before the painting fun, hence the nice, clean hands in the following photos. We used rocks from our front yard to help visualize the concept. Both my kids can recognize when a number spoken aloud is greater than, or less than another number, but they were both slightly confused when I had two rows of rocks and asked them how many fewer/less rocks one row had than the other. So, adding or taking away only one from each row helped them understand which row had "one less", rather than merely "less".
Technology Studies: F, J, Space Bar. We practiced proper finger placement, with the pointer fingers placed on f, and on j, and your thumbs resting on the space bar. Then, we accessed a practice portal where it gave a series of j's and ff's and spaces to type correctly and it would make a "donk" sound if you typed incorrectly. I think it mildly amusing that my daughter is learning how to type in Kindergarten, and I was mid-high school when I first learned proper typing!
Social Studies: Neighborhood Map. With very little help, my daughter drew a map of our neighborhood, and where the cemetery and the church are down the street, and the big hill we live at the top of...
Art: Night Scene. The art assignment from the Connections Academy was to use black construction paper and experiment with which colors will show up on the black backdrop to create a night scene. Both kids (independently of one another!) decided to draw mean raccoons coming out at night. We have mean raccoons that eat our chickens and get into the trash in the middle of the night, so that's the first nocturnal animal that came to mind for the both of them. I like how my son drew a frownie face on his raccoon, and my daughter drew mean, sharp teeth.
Language Arts: Colors All Around. My daughter wrote sentences to describe what she was wearing, using descriptive color words, and then drew a picture of herself. To help her form the letters correctly, I used a highlighter to write what she dictated to me on handwriting paper, then she traced it with a pencil.
These last two photos are just for fun - we bought these horsie costumes from Target earlier today, because we're going to a family-friendly Costume Party on Saturday, and we're planning to be characters from the Gangnam Style video! The kids will both be horses, I will be Hyuna, and my husband will be Psy! I need to alter the powder blue blazer jacket I found at the Salvation Army store, add black accents to it, and then it'll be the PERFECT Gagnam jacket! My daughter has been prancing around the house all night in the horsie outfit!