
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Kindergarten at Home - Day 33 - Rebus + Pumpkin Patch Recess

Today, "recess" was back at the Pumpkin Patch!  We bought a Living Social deal which included all the activities at the local pumpkin patch and a free drink per person, for only $4 per person (after discount code I received).  So, the two kids, Oma, and I loaded up into the minivan and headed to the Patch!

We got some exercise walking, and sometimes running [after the kids], through the Corn Maze...
The farm had several animal sets throughout the maze with fact plaques.  Since this was our second time through this same maze, I actually read a few of them this time around, rather than just blowing past them in search of the end of the maze (I didn't read all of them, but at least read some this time!).  The ones above depict the Oregon Trail, and had facts about the wagon trains and the oxen, mules and horses that pulled the wagons for hundreds of miles through rugged terrain; and the Great Pyramids in Egypt with facts about camels and the ancient pyramids.

...we rode the Hay Ride and learned about the farm...

 ...Practiced teamwork with the other kids...

 ...Navigated the pitch-black hay maze with flashlights - the kids were the leaders (luckily the flash on my phone works well!)...

...Tested our strength and aim at the Apple Catapult (there were targets to aim for and I got SO close to hitting one that I was tempted to buy more 'pults, but didn't because that would defeat the purpose of saving money on the Living Social deal!)...

...Then, we picked out our pumpkins!

Social Studies: Family Members and their Roles.  We talked about each of our family members, and how they help to take care of us.  Today, we went to the pumpkin patch with Grandma (Oma) - Grandmas LOVE to spend time with and spoil their grandchildren! ; )

Art - Making a Moving Animal Picture.  First, I had my daughter draw pictures of animals that can fly, and that can swim.  I told her to make them small enough to fit on a piece of colored construction paper that would become a habitat scene/backdrop for the animals.  I cut slits in the backdrop for her, and let her decorate each backdrop: one for animals that can fly, and one for animals that swim.  Then, she cut out and glued her animals onto Popsicle sticks, and we inserted them through the slits in the paper so that the animal is on top, and the stick poked through to the back.  When you move the sticks, you can make your animals move around like a mini puppet show!  The flying animals can fly through the air, and the swimming animals can ride the ocean current...

 Language Arts: Making Rebus Sentences.  Rebus is where you use pictures to substitute for words to create a sentence.  Like, for the word "can", you may use a picture of a tin can or soda can.  I cut out some basic sight words and some pictures of everyday objects and verbs that the Connections Academy provided.  My daughter had fun coming up with Rebus sentences...

Math was a Unit Test today.
Activities assignment was to play the game, "Red Light Green Light".

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