
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Kindergarten at Home - Day 23 - Kinder-Concert + Movement using Water

Music - Tonight, we went to a free kiddie concert at the McMenamins Kennedy School, with foot-stompin' folk music and story-telling amusement from the Kinder-Queen.  The kids danced and twirled the night away!

Lesson 1 - Activities: Make it Move with Water.  We experimented with three types of water movement - currents under the water, directed spraying to move a floating object, and directed water to spin a wheel...
We floated her flip-flop in a tub filled with water, then turned on the hose underwater to create a whirlpool current, then watched the flip flop move 'round and 'round.

Then, my daughter took the hose out and sprayed the water towards the flip flop to move it in different directions at will.
Lastly, we made a basic pinwheel-style "water wheel" and stuck a pen through the middle.  My daughter held the pen as she sprayed the wheel with the hose - look at it spin!

Lesson 2 - Art: Woven Paper Placemats.  Ahhhh, the classic kindergarten staple, weaving Autumn placemats!  My daughter said she wanted to make it a pattern: orange, orange, brown; orange, orange, brown.

Lesson 3 - Social Studies: I am Important!  A confidence, and self-awareness building exercise. We talked about what makes her feel important, and I wrote down some of her answers around a decorative mirror outline I drew on a piece of paper.  Then, my daughter drew a picture of herself looking up in the air in the mirror - maybe she is feeling confident?

Lesson 4 - Math: Sphere and Cube around the house.  We gathered items from around the house that were good examples of a Sphere and a Cube.  Then, we talked about the difference between a mere square and a three-dimensional cube, and a flat old circle vs. a sphere.

Lesson 5 - Language Arts - Lets try to Victoriously Vamp Vv's, Visualizing Very Valiant Ventures
Story time & crafts at the library!  This morning, we went to a different library than we usually visit for story hour... just needed a change in scenery!  The theme for the story and the craft was caterpillars, since this is the time of year around here that we would see cute little Wooly Bear Caterpillars!

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