
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Kindergarten at Home - Day 27 - Memory

Kindergarten Active Activity: Simon Says, with Patterns!  We went outside and played Simon Says, but we added onto the game by making patterns of movements they had to repeat instead of only doing one command.  Like, "Simon Says: Left hand up, Right hand up, Left leg up, Right leg up" and then they had to repeat that pattern three times in a row.  We added difficulty as they got the hang of the game.

Language Arts: Recalling details from a story.  Practicing listening skills.  We got to do this outside too!  We wanted to get as much outdoor time as possible in today and tomorrow because the rain is coming Friday!

Math and Memory: What's Missing? game.  First, I put shapes out on a tray and had her memorize them in order, then I had her turn around so I could remove one.  While her back was turned, I slid the shapes close together again so that it wouldn't be obvious where the empty hole was.  Then, she had to guess which shape was missing. 
Then, we played the game with multiple objects on the tray, and the kids had to guess which item got taken away.  Oma (grandma) got to do this one with us too.  The kids love when Oma gets to be a part of their lessons!
 Then, my daughter wanted to show me a game she says she made up, where she hid an object under one of three cups, and I had to guess which cup it was under.  Then, I showed her the street-magic game where you put the item under the cup with the other person watching, then mix the cups up to try to follow the object.

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