
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Kindergarten at Home - Day 26 - Repeating Patterns

Math: Repeating Patterns.  Both kids enjoyed this activity.  I would create a pattern using connecting cubes, then they were tasked with repeating the pattern.

Art: Sewing a pocket.  We used a simple rectangle of felt and we folded it so it would have a sturdy bottom, then she sewed both sides.  This was an assignment to create a pocket for the activity we'd do tomorrow.

Social Studies: Family and Home.  We made a basic line-drawing family tree, going back to Great Grandparents.  Then, I explained to her how aunts, uncles and cousins are related to us.  Then, she drew a picture of our home and who lives in our household.  She drew a cute picture of the outside of our house, and the four of us humans and our dog are looking out the window, and then our chickens and horse are outside in the yard.

Language Arts: Yielding Your Yy's Youngly, Yet Yearningly.

Kindergarten Activities & Games: Target practice.  Trying to throw a ball into various size "holes".  After she mastered getting the ball into the hole, she had to take three steps back and try again.  [Yes, that is a Cheesehead hat as the middle target!  None of us are official Cheeseheads but the kids love to play with it... it was a souvenir gift from Great Grandpa's trip to Wisconsin]

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