
Friday, September 14, 2012

Kindergarten at Home - Day 9 - Dem Bones + Mr Yuk Poison Safety

Lesson 1 - Social Studies: Poison Safety.  Mr. Yuk, Mr. Yuk... We discussed poisons in the home and how you should never touch them (some might burn your skin), and should never eat them (it can burn your throat, and we'd have to go to the hospital where the doctor would pump your stomach, or it could kill you).  We drew our own Mr. Yuk faces and went to different cupboards to point out the "yucky" items.
Then, we talked about how there are poisonous plants and animals outside that you should not touch and especially never eat like Poison Ivy and Poison Oak, Poisonous Mushrooms, unknown berries, and some frogs that have poisonous skin.  We observed pictures of Poison Ivy and Poison Oak on the computer and then she drew them in her Vocabulary Book.

Lesson 2 - Math: Differences - Problem Solving Skills Review.  Went over the math vocabulary we've learned over the last couple weeks, then did exercises where you find the picture that is different among the lineup (one image is slightly different than the others), and then choosing the "largest", "farthest", "thinnest", etc. in other pictures.

Lesson 3 - Science: Moving Parts.  We learned that muscles, tendons and bones work together to help our body parts move like her puppet we made the other day.  Bones add support (without it, we'd be a slithering mush pile on the ground); muscles help us to bear weight and push; tendons work with the muscles so that we can move our limbs and sort of work like a rubber band stretches and relaxes.
Then, I cut out some representational images of the major bones and had her put them in the proper place on the full-size body tracing we made of her the other day - she loves doing puzzles, and this was like a life-size puzzle!

Lesson 4 - "Simon Says."  We did this game after the bones lesson so that the fact that our bones add structure could be demonstrated.  We also were able to practice some Kindergarten Math terms, like Left and Right... "Simon says: put your Left arm up", "Simon says: put your Right leg back", "Simon says: Do the Robot"

Lesson 5 - Language Arts: Happily Hatch Hh's Harboring Honorable Handwriting
We read "The Lion and the Mouse."  Even though the mouse was very small, he was able to help the BIG lion. Then, I asked her if she has ever had the opportunity to help someone or something that is bigger than she.  Her first thought was of her Miniature Horse, Rosabelle, and how she brings her to water.  This reminded her of when Mommy wasn't feeling well and she brought me water too.  Awwwwwwe, thank you.  : )

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