
Saturday, September 15, 2012

Weekend Fun Trip: Arrrrrrr, Aquifer Adventure!

Today, we went to a free Pirate-themed event with one of their little friends, where we learned about the local Aquifer at the Slough (I'm all about the free events, especially when fun learning is involved!).

They had a "treasure hunt" where you follow the riddles and directions to find each hidden treasure box full of Pirates' Loot (they were actually beads), and the goal was to find and collect one of each color.

Along the trail, were fun activities for the kids.  They got to make their own ice cream float cup, where each topping represented a layer in the ground: cocoa puffs and peanut butter puffs were sand, rocks and pebbles, ice cream was the clay, and on the bottom were ice cubes representing big boulders deep underground.  Then, she poured fizzy water on top to see how long it would take for the surface water to make it through all the layers...  and then we ate it!

They experimented with how long it would take water to travel through pebbles vs. sand vs. clay at another stop.

They pretended they were the surface water making its way through all the obstacles (pebbles, sand, clay) on the way to become ground water ready to be pumped out for use in our homes!

Then, we got to go on a canoe ride through the Slough hoping to see some wildlife.  Although we didn't see any Herons or Cranes, my daughter got to row a canoe for the first time - she was so proud that she got to help!

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